The herbal medicine clinic and dispensary are open Monday to Thursday for you to consult our Medical Herbalist or to order your herbal medicine prescriptions. We also offer food sensitivity testing.
One of the most popular services we previously offered at Health Food and More was The Food Detective test from Cambridge Nutritional Sciences.
This in clinic finger prick food sensitivity blood test gives rapid results that you can then use to make positive dietary changes.
It is well recognised that food sensitivity problems can contribute to a wide range of symptoms that may affect the skin, respiratory system and digestive tract either individually or in combination.
Problems such as sinusitis, irritable bowel and skin rashes have all been associated with food sensitivity.
Unlike a true allergy when an immediate response is usually seen, food sensitivity classically is more chronic and more difficult to diagnose because there is often no immediate symptom connected with the foods eaten.
Elimination diets can be useful in determining food sensitivity, but it can be a laborious process that can take some time to do. Increasingly practitioners of naturopathic medicine are using an IgG antibody food intolerance test to help determine the presence of food sensitivities.
IgG antibodies are produced when the body has repeated exposure to food proteins that is sees as being foreign to the immune system, which to a naturopathic minded practitioner suggests that there are underlying issues with that particular food. But more so that there is work to be done in strengthening the digestive function in the person being tested to resolve the problem.
Following a food intolerance test, elimination of suspect foods should be carried out for a period of time. But simply cutting out foods, without corrective work is a bit like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Conclusive food sensitivity testing should be seen as the first step in addressing the problem fully, so that a balanced diet with the maximum variety of foods can be eaten for optimum well being.
This may involve supplementing with digestive enzymes, addressing gut permeability issues or resolving the impact of chronic stress.
Covers 59 foods
Same day results
Over age 2 only
Costs £80
Finger Prick Blood Test
For further information please email, phone or WhatsApp message for a call back to discuss if this is the right test for you.
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Consultations Available Monday to Thursday